Therapy for Adults
Christian Spiritual Integration
It’s a lifelong journey to learn to really trust God and experience the peace and simplicity that this trust yields. Along the way, we are invited by God to be fully honest, met in exactly the level of mess that we have made, and in the full level of wrong that we may feel we have done. When God comes into our mess and brings his truth, mercy, goodness, and power, we are transformed. Jesus has transformed my life over and over, breaking my heart and setting it free in ways I never would have thought I needed. My faith is the center of my heart and soul.
You do not need to trust in Jesus to work with me, and I will not impose my faith beliefs on you. In fact, my faith gives me profound respect for the autonomy of your own mind and heart (perhaps sadly in contrast to many public Christian personas). This respect for your autonomy is a cornerstone of ethical therapy treatment.
If you do trust in Jesus and would like to work with a therapist who will hold this faith with you and explicitly incorporate that into our conversations, that would be my joy. Please let me know explicitly if you would like to have this be part of our work together.